SMN SegCheck™ v2.2

Cat. No: KBC-110207

Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) diagnostic aid kit along with initial screening for common numerical chromosomal abnormalities

Cat. No KBC-110207 Categories: ,

The SMN SegCheck Kit version 2.2 is a molecular diagnostic kit that quickly identifies Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) along with common numerical chromosomal disorders or aneuploidies in chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X, and Y. This diagnostic kit is based on 15 markers, including 4 STR markers (Short Tandem Repeats ranging from 3 to 7 base pairs in length) with high heterozygosity upstream and downstream of the SMN gene, and 7 markers for primary screening of common chromosomal disorders (based on QF-PCR) along with an amelogenin (AMXY) marker accompanied by markers DXS6803, DXS981, and SRY for gender determination. The simultaneous analysis of these markers and the examination of the resulting haplotypes serve as a valuable auxiliary tool in prenatal diagnosis and carrier detection of Spinal Muscular Atrophy and screening for common aneuploidies.

This kit is usable on DNA samples extracted from blood and DNA Conservation Cards (DBC) produced by Kowsar Biotech Company. For more information on the product, how to use it, and analyzing the results, please refer to the user manual.



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