Cat. No: KBC-710202

Mammalian cell culture medium, modified Dulbecco’s Basal Medium Eagle, with higher concentrations of glucose, amino acids, and vitamins

Cat. No KBC-710202 Category:

The cell culture medium of Kawsar Biotech Company is generally a suitable source of energy and nutrients that leads to the growth of many human cells and cell lines and regulates the cell cycle. Common components of the culture medium usually consist of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, glucose, and serum.

There are different types of cell culture media that depend on the type of cell, and each of the Stem Cells, Primary Cells, and Cell Lines, whether adherent or suspended, usually require different types of culture media, either normal or containing more nutrients for optimal growth.

DMEM High is a nutrient-rich cell culture medium optimized for the extensive growth of various mammalian cells. It contains a fourfold higher concentration of amino acids and vitamins compared to Eagle’s Minimal Essential Medium, supporting the accumulation and maintenance of more sensitive cell types. DMEM High indicates an increased glucose concentration, typically around 4500 milligrams per liter, providing ample energy for cells with high metabolic demands.

DMEM High is versatile and can be enhanced for specific cell culture applications by adding substances such as L-glutamine, sodium pyruvate, and HEPES. It is commonly supplemented with fetal bovine serum (FBS) to provide additional growth factors and necessary proteins for optimal cell growth. This medium utilizes a sodium bicarbonate buffering system and requires CO2 environment to maintain physiological pH. Cell lines successfully cultured in DMEM High include primary fibroblasts, neurons, glial cells, HUVECs, smooth muscle cells, as well as cell lines such as HeLa, 293, Cos-7, and PC-12.


Contents: Phenol Red, Hepes, Na2HCO3

Storage Conditions: Store at 4 °C for up to 6 months.

Volume: 500ml / 1000 ml



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