KBC Extend Long™ DNA Polymerase

Cat. No: KBC-520201

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Cat. No KBC-520201 Categories: ,

KBC Extend long™ DNA polymerase is a modified version of the Taq DNA Polymerase, which is commonly used in PCR (polymerase chain reaction) to amplify DNA fragments. The KBC Extend long™ DNA polymerase is specifically designed to amplify longer DNA fragments, up to 15 kb in length, making it suitable for applications that require the amplification of longer DNA sequences.

  • Features:
    • Amplification of long Fragments up to 15 Kb
    • Amplification of Fragments for cloning in expression vectors, etc


    The enzyme has been engineered to have enhanced processivity and fidelity, allowing it to efficiently replicate longer DNA templates with fewer errors. This makes it particularly useful for applications such as amplification of large gene targets, and cloning of long DNA fragments.

    When using KBC Extend long™ DNA polymerase for PCR, it’s important to optimize the reaction conditions, including the cycling parameters, buffer composition, and primer design, to ensure successful amplification of the desired long DNA fragments. Additionally, it’s important to carefully consider the quality and purity of the DNA template being used, as well as the concentration of the polymerase in the reaction mix. For more information about the product and how to use it, refer to the information sheet in the documentation or contact KBC support.


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